Python & Django Certification Training

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3000.00 INR
Python & Django Certification Training

Pune, Maharashtra, IN
Technical Courses
Posted 4 years ago

3000.00 INR
Python & Django Certification Training - Pune, Maharashtra, IN

Technical Courses
Posted 4 years ago


Python, and its high-level framework named Django, has become extremely popular among IT enthusiasts as it is amazing in many ways. Both, Python Django framework provides support to using human-readable website URLs. This isn’t only good for the actual user but also for the search engines. Thus, allowing you to gain rank for the website easily. Django has the potential to prevent a number of common security mistakes, which is a huge improvement over PHP. Python is extremely ideal for bootstrappers as it can be deployed quickly and it requires less amount of code.


Contact Number: 7498575855

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    Python & Django Certification Training
    3000.00 INR Python & Django Certification Training by LearnOA
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